When I joined the blogosphere, I was in awe of all the fabulous remodel and refurbished projects. There were so many great projects and I wanted to be able to add my own project to that collection, but I did not really know where to start. Luck would have it that a family member was doing a slight remodel on their basement and they had a few pieces of furniture I could have for FREE!! Score! When I saw the hutch it screamed "I'm so outdated, please save me!" And save it I did......

When I got it home I took a good look at it, the wood was in pretty good shape but I did not care for the top glass doors. I knew those would not be used in my refab. I also wanted to update the hardware, I found the hardware I used at home depot and I just fell in love with it, then when I saw the price tag of $1.39 a pull, I knew it was fate! The hutch also had 18 wood plugs along the sides that looked like bolts. I found the exact size of the plugs that were in the original version of the hutch and I bought a set of 50 of them for under 3 dollars. I spray painted them black to match the hardware.
Anyways, check out these before pictures.
So, this being my first real overhaul I did not have all the proper equipment that I needed. My husband went with me to
Lowes and helped me pick out an awesome palm sander, and a primer. That day I spent hours in the garage sanding the hutch. It took a while to get it sanded but once I was done, I did not want to hesitate. I spent 2 nights after work priming. Here are some pictures of the hutch all primed in its glory.
Once the priming was done, I decided it was time to pick out paint. I made another trip to
Home Depot and finally landed on a color, Baja by Behr. I wanted something with a little color, a hint of beige or tan but nothing to dark. After the first coat, I was a little nervous about the color. I decided to give it a shot and put on the 2nd coat of paint. Sure enough, it grew on me and now I LOVE it!!
I knew that I wanted to either wallpaper or put fabric on the back of the upper cabinet. I remembered that I had this fabric laying around from when I had reupholstered our dining room chairs. Our living room/dining room is very open so I thought that this would help tie the two spaces together.
After a morning of thrifting and hitting a few garage sales, I dragged my mom with me to
Michaels. We bought foam board and spray adhesive. I measured the back of the upper cabinet and we cut the foam board to size. We then sprayed the foam board with the adhesive and wrapped it in our cut fabric. Below is a picture of half of it inserted, and the finished product.
Well, after about two weeks of work I finished my first true overhaul and I absolutely LOVE the way it turned out! Special shout out to my hubs who helped me and taught me so much, and my mom for helping me install the fabric backing! I can not wait to do another one! Here are some more pictures I took of the final product, enjoy!!
(decorated with stuff around the house, this will probably change, but just to get an idea)
Thanks for reading!!