
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fabrics Galore

When the hubs and I went to visit our friend in Virgina, it was mostly about football and boy fun, but I was determined to get a little fun for me squeezed in there somewhere. I had asked my friend if there were any cool antique stores or anything in the area, and he told me he would take us down to Floyd, VA. It was a little town and it had country stores and antique stores, it was perfect. I picked up some country jam for my mom and toured the antique stores that they had to offer.

Before we got there I did my research of course, and I read about this amazing place online, Schoolhouse Fabrics, located in Floyd. It is a converted schoolhouse to a fabric store. It said it was loaded with rooms of fabric, and the reviews..oh the reviews...they made my heart flutter, the store had been reviewed with such praise.. I was sold, we were going there no matter what. As we were pulling into Floyd, there it was! It was right before town and I couldn't wait to go in!

I toured all the rooms, some had fabrics that I was not so interested in, I was looking for more decorative stuff to take home with me and I was looking for stuff on SALE! They had entire rooms full of doilies, and yarn, and sewing supplies..Just when the boys had about enough, I realized there was an upstairs. I begged them to give me 15 more minutes and they huffed and went outside.

As soon as I walked up stairs, staring at me was a fabric for the Duke Blue Devils, now if you know my hubs you know that he is the world's biggest Duke Basketball Fan. He hasn't missed watching a game in almost 4 years! Yes, it is that serious....I knew I had to get a few yards to surprise him with to make some pillows for the man room. Check out the other fabrics that I picked up...

I found the nice fabric that I had been searching for, and I found the nice fabric that was on sale. I picked up the yellow graphic fabric to make pillows for our soon to be redone master bedroom. I am using grays and yellows. I plan on creating Mr and Mrs pillows with this yellow fabric.

I picked up the graphic red for my craft room to put on our new pullout sofa. I have a red desk from ikea, so I wanted to try and tie all the colors together rather then buying a new desk.

And the gray floral print I hope can be used somewhere in our new master, or wherever. I will find a home for it, I just liked the design so I got a few yards.

Stay tuned to see how all of these pillows actually turn out, hopefully as good as I am envisioning them to be!

Thanks for reading! :)

1 comment:

  1. Love all of your fabrics. They are fabulous.
    I especially love the gray and yellow floral print. Stunning. I can't wait to see what you do with them. Hugs, Marty
